What does it cost to rescue a horse?

Great question! Healthy horses are not cheap animals to care for. Due to their size and needs, they are certainly an investment. Neglected or injured horses even more so. Below is a low estimate for the costs associated with rescuing a high risk horse. On average, a horse will need to stay with us for approx 3- 4 months to get back in good health, minimal training (halter, lead, farrier load/unload) and ready for a new home.


FEED $61 a month

HAY $350 a month (alfalpha and coastal hays)

TRAINER $325 monthly

VET $200+

SUPPLIES $200 monthly (bedding, fly spray, deworming, etc)

DENTAL $120 1x cost

FARRIER $65 2x cost



TOTAL Minimally $2923 per horse with 3 month stay.